Treacherous Obliviates

Thursday 16 October 2014

Stressed Out Level 999

I don't know why I've been feeling kind of low for these past few days...

I guess it's just an ordinance of the universe, you know. There are days when you'll feel so happy and carefree and then there are days when you'll just feel really sad or depressed and you don't even know why... But it's weird though... Have you ever felt so happy yet you don't even know why? It happens right?!

Oh yeah. Went to the Tort lecture this morning and there were just too many cases to take in my head almost exploded. Seriously.

But you see, there is an imaginary scale weighing your feelings for a specific period of time and it will balance you share of pain and happiness in the end. Okay what the h did I just say. Okay forget about it XD

So I actually just got back from a meeting with my tutorial mates at Foxhill. We have a presentation to do tomorrow and hopefully everything will fall into place and goes smoothly and coherently. Oh and they are all very nice people =)! When I arrived I met Elizabeth and we talked about stuffs in the common room (I could at least pretend that the law school's common room is something akin to the Gryffindor's common room =P). Love her Welsh accent! I seriously don't really know how to distinguish between English and Welsh accent. I know Scottish sounds a little bit like French...? Not sure though. And then Ruth, Zac, Claudia and Eline joined us later on and we practiced the presentation.

I've a class at 4:30 so I'm gonna stop writing now. Till then!

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