Treacherous Obliviates

Friday 23 August 2013

I'm Clueless

I'm the type of person who really appreciates friendships. I value them so much but we all know that a friendship isn't a one way street. Sometimes I wonder if they feel the same way of what I feel. That's why it hurts when a friend of yours suddenly became a stranger. You don't know them anymore. It's like they've forgotten about you. You text them and they purposely don't reply. Of course at times you can't reply every single message right away. Time limits and betrayals or because you're in the middle of something or you're just not in the mood to be talking at that particular moment. What goes around comes around. Anyhow, you can always know when they purposely don't want to reply you back. Then you feel like you shouldn't have sent those texts. I hate those feelings. They cause an unspeakable pain that sparks your heart on sorrow because you're making an effort yet it was unnoticed and ignored. And that my dear, hurts a lot... Then again, no one's perfect in this universe, sometimes you just have to stop trying. You have to move on and open your eyes. Sometimes nothing will ever be the way it used to be anymore.

I'm not okay. And one day, I will stop trying. Cause I'm imperfect too and because I realized that time really does betray. But when I've stopped trying, you're gonna have to realize what you've lost. At least I tried.

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