Treacherous Obliviates

Monday 22 July 2013

Career Crisis: Is Blame Game Required?

In the search of their identity, children often find themselves caught up in oblivion when trying to decide the type of career they wish to pursue in the future. Today's fast paced world has shown dramatic and rapid development of technology in just a blink of an eye. Just as quick as a lightning. Everything gets served right in front our eyes in the most interactive and astonishing ways! What more could we ask?! Everything is being done in ways we could have never imagined.

Now getting back to the topic of this controversial issue. When they finally reach the teenage years, with the help of school and the education they received, including their ever so intriguing conscience as they mature in many ways, somehow their confidence grow fervent as they realise of what profession they envisage themselves getting into. Unfortunately, the scenarios we see nowadays, some parents seem to be getting along the way of their child's choice of career in the end resulting into their own disappointment more over the child who was literally forced to follow their parent's dream. Isn't it ironic? It's not what they want to do but what their parents want. Either way, this issue has both its positive and negative effects that needed to be taken into account.

If say an analogy is to be used, try to imagine a person who is a true Da Vinci in arts and aspires to be a painter, or maybe even an architect to assume, is forced to spend a lifetime in a hospital with the smell of anaesthetics swirling before him every single day, tending to patients most of the time, cutting the human anatomy in ways only those in the medical field would definitely understand. He became a doctor because he was forced to go into the profession. Not because that was what he knows he wanted to spend his life doing. He may be good at it but much to his dismay why can't he find any glee in doing it? Why? Well, maybe because his compassion is not perpendicular to what he is currently doing.

To me, this portrays that should a person pursues a career, he should throw himself into a profession that not only fits his abilities and talents but the job itself illustrates his compassion. Why do you think this premise stands out? Put aside the dollars he would be generating should he takes up a particular type of career. The question is why do you think compassion is needed as a fuel that would drive your burning desires to succeed in everything you do? Why? Because we can only be happy in whatever we do if we do it by heart and willingness that shouldn't be questioned by one. That seems to be the most auspicious thing from my point of view.

The road a person chooses to embrace should always lead him to success and effulgence in his job. Rekindle your spirit each time you feel down, no dreams can't be made into a reality, not when the owner of that heart dares to cross the boundaries it takes to make it come true, not when the owner of the heart does not give up each time a failure tried to push him off the ground, not when the owner of the heart knows that each breath he takes and for every time the heart beats, it's for the One who controls it and make those endless dreams seem possible even in the bleakest of time...

Always have faith in everything you do. Always have faith in The Creator and everything shall fall into place, with His will.

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