Treacherous Obliviates

Sunday 20 January 2013

No One Better

Dearest Sister; Death can be anytime & in case time betrays me, I feel like making a list of the things I might want you to know and maybe chances are you will never find these out but who knows if one day you're bored and decides to Google yourself  =,= So I'm gonna put your name here so you can read it if you ever will Google yourself. Putri Mahirah. There I put it. Lol XD

The things I'm missing nowadays;
  • you screaming at me whenever I didn't fold the blanket in the morning
  • the times when we used to burn down the house kitchen at 4am when we're hungry (you're not you when you're hungry XD)
  • talking to you before sleeping
  • fighting with you over the silliest reasons
  • us watching TVD together 
  • all of us hanging out with Mum and how she would walk so fast leaving us behind
  • the mushroom soups,pastas & whatever you used to cook
  • watching you talking to yourself in the mirror =,=
  • sometimes listening to you speaking in British accent
  • you calling to check up on me and if I wanted anything (hmm, but you still do nowadays.yeay!)
  • again, I miss fighting with you O.O
  • the 'Let's jog at the park in the morning!!' plan every night which was always a total failure
  • ordering pizzas
  • you getting mad at the sound of my cellphone alarms (well, they had to be annoying to wake me up duhhh!)
  • watching movies late at night (though usually you ended up watching them alone)
  • stealing your stuffs to brought to boarding school in case I miss you =( (hahaha I bet you never realized)
  • & there's just so many more...

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