Treacherous Obliviates

Thursday 12 February 2015

I'm still up because I just can't stop reading the news on the Chapel Hill Shooting. My heart breaks for the family of the victims. What a tragedy... A massacre of innocent lives, kind hearted, aspiring, wonderful young hearts who had all left such huge remarks to the world... To all of us. They may have left the world forever, but surely their spirits shall live on and continue to inspire the mankind in time. May Allah grant them all the highest level of Jannah.

Tuesday 11 November 2014

Oh Cases

Umm, I think I might just sleep in the chair tonight =') 
Goodbye bed, this separation is very much needed. Till then.

Monday 10 November 2014

Of Esoteric Theories and Sleepless Nights

I know I've been posting lots of PLL related stuff lately but I just can't help it okay. Lol. This show is highly addictive and I've never fathomed that I'd be this emotionally attached to a TV show, to fictional characters, oh god. For any of you who have never watched this show, well, here's what I'd say; Get yourself a big bowl of popcorn, or maybe a pint of Pralines & Cream, a tall glass of Vanilla milkshake, pick a Saturday that'd best suit you and just prepare for your eyes to be glued to your laptop or TV screen for hours and hours. Because I assure you, once you've realised how awesome this show is, you don't want to avert your gaze. You'll be hungry for more. And more. And more... Did I convince you enough? No?

On a different note, for those of you who have watched this show and are still trying to piece the puzzles of those suffocating secrets and sick mysteries in Rosewood, let me just give you a virtual high five. High 10 times 10. Cause yes, we're on the same boat.

WHO IS A?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?

Ahh man I love this show. It keeps my brain twitching at all times. Even in my sleep. The theories seem to be haunting me even in my dreams (PLL fans will definitely understand this). The conundrums this show throws at the fans just gets more better and more twisted and more baffling and more thrilling and more intriguing after each exceptionally-written episode. 

So, I decided to search for new videos on the theories and stumbled upon the video attached. Oh. My. God. That is such a genius theory. It's kinda awkward, I must admit, but hey, it makes sense. The plot of Marion Cavanaugh's death tend to add more obscurities to the already ambiguous clues we have at hand. There must be a concrete reason as to why they are still making this death such a prominent issue in the show. Nothing is a coincidence in Rosewood, honey, mind you. Every conspicuous chunk of information and every single clue they put there is more auspicious than you will ever know.
 Hats off to the PLL writers! 

As much as I'd like for this rambling to never stop until I've convinced you enough, my thick law texts are literally screaming out my name, because as much as I'd like to believe that I was born in the wrong century, I need to insinuate myself into this hectic law school life and guess what... I kind of love it. 

Moreover, it's not as esoteric as Mathematics. This is not the life I had lived in high school; where every single neuron in my body had been overly traumatised by the atrocious intricacy of Additional Mathematics. So, you get how I feel about numbers now? Right. 


Friday 7 November 2014

It's gonna be a good finalé. I can feel it.

The Death of Me

Ein von Keegan Allen (@keeoone) gepostetes Video am

Kept on watching this over and over again. Keegan's accent hit me right in the feels. Haha.