Treacherous Obliviates

Thursday 9 October 2014

Sing Me A Lullaby

Hey there ;)! I am precariously standing on the brink of consciousness right now and I seriously feel like knocking on the door of my dreamland soon. But I feel like writing so here I am. Actually no I have a PC class at 4:30PM which is like in one and a half hour from now so I'm stalling time by writing this post. Lol. Like I don't have any cases to read (I don't have the mood and I feel super sleepy).

I slept at 3AM and woke up at 7AM and went to the lecture theatre at 8.30 and Dr Wilde was already there, drinking his coffee while reading something on the laptop in front of him. I was like woahhh he was so early!

Hmm, nothing interesting happened today. I'm gonna catch a bus to the town centre to meet Mum after Maghrib!

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