Treacherous Obliviates

Saturday 18 October 2014

Awkward At 334.7 km/h

Hi there moi loyal stalkers ;)! It's a Saturday and I've loads of work to do but before that...

This happened last Friday. So I was in the train en route to London when Insyirah suddenly called me. So I picked up the call and we talked and talked and laughed and laughed...

Until I realized that everyone sitting nearby was staring at me... And I went still for a few moments and I just stared back at them... So basically we just stared at each other for 1 minute to cut it short.

What an impeccable timing... *pumpkin emoticon* Great.

So I flashed them my $10 smile and continued on talking in English. And just to annoy Insyirah I started speaking in English accent which she said was a total failure. Hahaha omg how dare you Insyirah do you have any idea how much time I spent talking to myself in the mirror trying to make it as perfect as I could?! Haha.

But seriously though I was wondering why they were staring at me. I wasn't talking that loud =S And then I realized the reason why: It was because I was speaking in Malay =')

Hahahahahaha! Lol. I imagine they must have been like "What kind of language is this girl using?!?" or "Why are there too many 'lah' in her sentences?"

My goodness how I miss Malaysia right now... I just can't imagine how ecstatic I would be when it's finally time to come back home next year! Seriously can't wait <3

Till then!

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